General Interest Articles

NEW! CardiOS Bone Matrix Formula

NEW! CardiOS Bone Matrix Formula


New strategies for healthier ageing

Two important parts of the ageing puzzle have recently been revealed and nutrigenomically-active CardiOS directly addresses these aspects of the ageing process.

CardiOS – the solution to removing calcium from blood vessels and putting it back where it belongs – in bone!

One of the realities of life is that ageing is inevitable. Clearly, some of us age more ‘gracefully’ than others, with some retaining a keen mind even though the physical form visibly changes. We may blame it on genetics or we may blame it on lifestyle but in truth, we know little about how to modify this process.

Two important parts of the ageing puzzle have recently been revealed and nutrigenomically-active CardiOS directly addresses these aspects of the ageing process. More importantly, CardiOS is especially relevant to the biochemical needs of men and women facing andropause and menopause.

Simply put, CardiOS removes calcium from blood vessels where it doesn’t belong and puts into bone where it does belong!

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