The unique phytonutrients contained in broccoli sprouts may activate the body’s natural cellular detoxification processes and antioxidant defences. Scientific research indicates that selenium (an essential trace element in human nutrition) supports antioxidant activity in the body. When taken as directed, this product assists in the maintenance and improvement of general well being.
Recommended Retail Price
The EnduraCell® Plus formulation is based on the same grade and quantity of EnduraCell® but with the addition of 25 mcg selenium per capsule. Many of the enzymes which increase cellular defences, depend upon seleno-enzymes.
EnduraCell® Plus may:
Each size ’00’ capsule contains:
NOTE: Cell-Logic EnduraCell® is hydroganically grown in a carefully controlled environment to maximise bioactivity. Our hydroganic growing process does not use any herbicides, pesticides or other harmful chemicals. EnduraCell® Plus is GMO free and does not contain goitrogens or significant levels of Vitamin K.
Recommended Daily Dosage: Adults take 1– 2 capsules twice daily, or as directed by your Health Care Practitioner.
Do not exceed 6 capsules daily or 150mcg elemental selenium.
Application notes: Very occasionally, adverse effects have been reported after ingestion of either fresh broccoli sprouts or supplements manufactured from fresh sprouts. These effects are typically gastrointestinal in nature and may include nausea, bloating, gastro-abdominal discomfort, and diarrhoea. The skin as an organ of elimination may also be temporarily impacted, together with neural function which is sensitive to redox-inflammation imbalances. The limited data available seem to indicate that gastro-intestinal effects are generally limited to those with pre-existing conditions and in particular to those with dysbiosis associated with a perturbed gut ecosystem.
Dose Titration: In sensitive individuals experiencing any of the aforementioned concerns, titration up to a full dose from a low starting dose allows progressive correction of the underlying causes without overloading the patient’s ability to adapt. The goal is to enable the patient to tolerate the full sulforaphane dose at a pace that eliminates symptoms whilst simultaneously restoring homeostasis.
Instructions for Dose Titration:
1. Discontinue all source of SFN – cruciferous vegetables, broccoli sprout powder and/or capsules.
2. Assuming symptoms abate, resume SFN at a very small dose. This dose may be as little as will fit on the tip of a sharp vegetable knife blade. EnduraCell® powder is the best option, although capsules can be opened.
3. Take this dose daily for a few days to ensure that the gastrointestinal system feels comfortable.
4. Gradually increase the dose by taking a second similar dose each day.
5. Repeat the process by increasing a little each day, monitoring symptoms to determine daily dose.
6. Typically, within 2 weeks, the standard recommended dose will not produce significant ill effects. In severe cases, tolerance may take weeks more to achieve. Be guided by the patient’s response.
7. Those with known dysbiosis or other gastrointestinal issues will typically find that these symptoms have either partially or fully cleared. Cruciferous vegetables can be re-introduced at this stage.
8. Where a patient has been intolerant to other foods, their introduction can be trialled one at a time.
Do not exceed 6 capsules daily or 150mcg elemental selenium.
Store below 30°C
Direct-acting antioxidants
When mega-doses of direct-acting antioxidants are consumed, the cell may become saturated, masking the pro-oxidant signals the cell needs to defend itself via Nrf2. Unless there is deficiency, vitamin C and any other direct-acting antioxidant supplements like A, E, beta-carotene & NAC, will inhibit the cell’s ability to upregulate its own antioxidant, detoxification
and other cytoprotective genes. If needed at all, antioxidant supplements should be reduced to quantities no greater than RDI levels found in a plant rich diet.
Cancer and treatments
Chemotherapy and Radiation: Because cancer cells ‘hijack’ the cell’s defence mechanisms, it is unknown whether SFN, GliSODin or other protective plant molecules in normal cells might also increase a cancer cell’s ability to protect itself. It is therefore advisable to avoid prescribing SFN, GliSODin and other concentrated plant extracts in those diagnosed with cancer – or undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Anti-coagulant medications
The RDI for Vitamin K1 is 700 mcg. A mature broccoli vegetable contains 85 mcg of Vit K1. The Vitamin K1 content of broccoli sprouts is low in comparison, with one 700 mg capsule of EnduraCell® BioActive containing approximately 7 mcg of Vitamin K1. While Vitamin K2 appears not to interfere with coagulation, it is recommended that the patient’s clinician be consulted to prescription of GFC.
Goitrogens and thyroid function
Broccoli sprouts do not contain any significant goitrogens as found in the mature broccoli vegetable, so there are no contraindications to prescribing Cell-Logic’s broccoli sprout formulae in thyroid conditions.
Li D et al. Synergy between broccoli sprout extract and selenium in the upregulation of thioredoxin reductase in human hepatocytes Food Chemistry 110 (2008) 193–198
Lee J-M, Johnson JA. An Important Role of Nrf2-ARE Pathway in the Cellular Defense Mechanism Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2004 ; 37(2):139-143
Fahey JW, Talalay P. Antioxidant Functions of Sulforaphane: a Potent Inducer of Phase II Detoxication Enzymes. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1999; 37:973-979
Fahey JW, Kensler TW. Role of dietary supplements/nutraceuticals in chemoprevention through induction of cytoprotective enzymes. Chem Res Toxicol. 2007 Apr;20(4):572-6.
Yeh C-T, Yen G-C. Effect of sulforaphane on metallothionein expression and induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Carcinogenesis 2005;26 (12) ;2138–2148
Jeong W-S et al. Modulatory Properties of Various Natural Chemopreventive Agents on the Activation of NF-κB Signaling Pathway. Pharmaceutical Research. 2004;21(4): 661-670.
Innmorato NG et al. The Transcription Factor Nrf2 Is a Therapeutic Target against Brain Inflammation. The Journal of Immunology 2008;181:680 – 689.
Wu L, Juurlink B The impaired glutathione system and its up-regulation by sulforaphane in vascular smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Hypertension 2001, 19:181-1825
Cramer J, Jeffery EH. Sulforaphane Absorption and Excretion Following Ingestion of a Semi-Purified Broccoli Powder Rich in Glucoraphanin and Broccoli Sprouts in Healthy Men.2011; Nutrition and Cancer, 63(2), 196–201
Halliwell B Free radicals and antioxidants – quo vadis? Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2011: 32(3):125-130.
Kensler TW et al. Translational Strategies for cancer prevention in liver. Nature Reviews Cancer 3, 321-329 (May 2003)
2001 Steinkellner H et al. Effects of cruciferous vegetables and their constituents on drug metabolizing enzymes involved in the bioactivation of DNA-reactive dietary carcinogens. Mutation Research 480–481 (2001) 285–297.