General Interest Articles

Cell-Logic, It’s time to let your cells dwell well!

It’s time to let your cells dwell well!


Good Health Begins with Our Cells

Our modern-day epidemic of chronic diseases has taken yet another ugly twist, presented by the dilemma of ‘overabundance’ — too many wrong choices and too few right ones.

Although it’s fair to say that developed countries no longer face the stress of war or starvation, our cells still continue to come under an ever-increasing barrage of oxidative stress, inflammation and toxins.

The good news is that our bodies are equipped with a host of powerful tools to deal with these constant threats to our cellular health and general well-being — and these tools are just waiting to be tapped.

The Science of ‘Nutrigenomics’: When Food ‘Talks’ to Our Genes

With the help of science, we have now entered the new era of ‘nutrigenomics’, which describes the various ways in which our food ‘talks’ to our genes through our body’s many intracellular signalling pathways.

Understanding the ways in which food molecules ‘turn up’ (or intensify) and ‘turn down’ (or diminish) the activity of our various genes,  and knowing how to activate the pathways which optimise our cellular defence, is core to protecting our cellular health.

What the Genes in our Cells Do

The 25,000 genes present in each of our 35 or so trillion cells, determine not just our hair, eye and skin colour but also act as instruction manuals for every process performed by our bodies. This includes energy production, repair, digestion, waste elimination and all manner of other cellular defences.

The ‘Bad Food’-Gene Connection

Foods such as those that are refined and over-processed, high in sugar and the wrong fats, can ‘turn up’ genes that promote oxidative stress and inflammation. Like partners in crime, oxidative stress and inflammation are the drivers of 21st century chronic diseases.

The ‘Good Food’-Gene Connection

We already know that vegetables are good for us. However, in recent years, scientists have also discovered that phytochemicals from vegetables increase the release of activators of our protective genes, one of them being the remarkable Nrf2.

Nrf2 Gene ‘Switch’ + Sulforaphane = Healthy Cells

The powerful Nrf2 gene ‘switch’ turns on hundreds of genes in our cellular defence system — all at the same time — to counter oxidative stress and inflammation, promote enzymes to safely metabolise waste products and toxins, and even increase energy production in our cells.

One of the best ways to activate Nrf2 in our bodies is through a biomolecule called ‘sulforaphane’, most potently derived from cruciferous plants such as broccolis.

Although a cruciferous plant does not actually contain any sulforaphane in itself, it contains two essential compounds, the myrosinase enzyme and glucoraphanin, both of which are needed to yield sulforaphane under the right conditions. When the plant is cut or chewed, the contents of the two compounds combine, producing a chemical reaction that leads to the production of the sulforaphane.

Did you know that while broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables, the tiny broccoli sprout is many times more concentrated in yielding sulforaphane than the rest of the plant?

Get Your Daily Dose of Sulforaphane

Unless you’re in the habit of eating several generous serves of raw broccoli vegetable a day, Cell-Logic’s products offer a convenient alternative for your daily dose of sulforaphane. A result of decades of painstaking scientific research, the Cell-Logic products consistently retain both glucoraphanin and the active myrosinase enzyme needed to produce one of the highest-yielding sulforaphane products in today’s market.

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