Residing in the quaint town of Emerald, I am a mother to two young girls. Dancing brings me joy, and I seize the opportunity to lead gym classes whenever possible. Throughout my life, I've harbored a deep passion for food. Having once tipped the scales at 103kg, I recognized the necessity of striking a balance between my love for food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This led me on a seven-year journey studying nutrition, culminating in the completion of a Bachelor of Human Nutrition with Honours.
My transformation has empowered me to explore the intricate relationship between food and health. I am on the brink of publishing an inaugural article delving into the impact of food chemicals on individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the associated gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal issues.
Embracing the diversity of each person's body, from genetics to microbiome, I find great satisfaction in guiding individuals toward their optimum health. Enter G.E.M.M, an exciting chapter in my learning journey. This platform has added a new dimension to my understanding of health and wellness.
Contact Us
132-140 Ross Court
Cleveland QLD 4163