About Cell-Logic
Our Focus
As a science-based organisation, Cell-Logic is focused on producing innovative evidence-based nutraceutical and functional food formulations with potent nutrigenomic activity, comprehensively supported by high-quality professional education.
Given that human cells are critically reliant for their function on the food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink, it is logical to conclude that human health is highly dependent on the chemical substances to which we are exposed on a day-to-day basis. Fundamental to good health is an appropriate diet, superimposed on other lifestyle factors.
When Nutritional Medicine meets 21st Century Science
As the sciences of both Nutrition and Cell Biology have evolved over recent decades, it has become apparent that certain intervention strategies of the past are being rapidly superseded. With a clearer understanding of just how human cells achieve and maintain homeostasis, we now know that some of the most popular dietary supplements block the essential signals that human cells depend on for their normal function.
Enter the Science of Nutrigenomics
Much of this newer therapeutic approach is directly due to clinical application of the relatively new science of Nutrigenomics, a field in which Cell-Logic is acknowledged as a global leader.
Formulations based on Nutrigenomic Science
Cell-Logic has broadened the application of Nutrigenomics by translating the complexities of the science into clinically-relevant concepts, formulations and therapeutic strategies, tailored to the needs of the practising clinician.
In so doing, our approach is to target the core upstream cellular processes as a means of addressing the primary causes of disease, allowing Nature to take care of the intricacies associated with the downstream pathways.
Cell-Logic’s Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.) Protocol is an example of this approach, our translational research providing clinicians with a comprehensive system to address the core upstream biochemical aberrations which underpin disease.
Our History
Already somewhat disillusioned by the dominance of synthetic nutritional supplements within the nutrition professions, Christine immediately realised that the new science of nutrigenomics had the power to elevate the practice of Clinical Nutrition to the next level, especially in targeting the upstream defence mechanisms by which every human cell operates.
So began for her an era of intense research into the nutrigenomic properties of phytochemicals. By late 2005, she had discovered a French product, GliSODin® with the ability to potently upregulate the three primary antioxidant enzymes, Superoxide dismutase, Glutathione peroxidase and Catalase. Her decision to introduce this product to Australian clinicians led her to launch a new company which she named Cell-Logic.
Quite fortuitously in the following year, 2006, Christine became aware of a broccoli-derived phytochemical, sulforaphane, already supported by a substantial body of research.
After realising the extraordinary potential of this small, lipid-soluble molecule, the future direction of Cell-Logic became immediately clear – the company would specialise in researching and developing nutrigenomically-active molecules as powerful clinical intervention tools.
With her primary background in Nutritional Biochemistry, Christine continues to enjoy translating the complexities of the science into the core principles, ensuring they are relevant to the needs of practising clinicians.
She is highly-regarded globally as an expert in phytochemicals and especially in the clinical applications of sulforaphane. Her three detailed scientific Sulforaphane Review publications highlight the many clinical applications of this remarkable phytochemical in addressing the common complaints that regularly confront practising clinicians.
The Beginning of the
Broccoli Story
The Beginning of the Broccoli Story
The Cell-Logic Logo underpins our philosophy
Our principles and formulations target upstream cellular processes, closely mimicking those of Nature herself. It is no coincidence that our logo is represented by strategically-placed hexagons. With our focus on targeting upstream cellular defence mechanisms, this image which we term the ‘Cellogicon®’ encompasses the unique principles on which Cell-Logic’s approach is based.
Cellular Defence mechanisms are at the core of human physiology, shown here in red and occupying the prime central position. The four green and one blue surrounding hexagons represent the key cellular functions necessary for optimum cell function.
Regardless of the nature of any health abnormality, it is essential to target these mechanisms if the clinician is to successfully address the primary cause(s) of a condition or frank disease. The goal of all treatment programmes should therefore be to restore optimum function to the cellular defence mechanisms.
The Key Components of Cellular Defence
Surrounding the Cellular Defence hexagon in red are the five key upstream biochemical processes (in green) that contribute to these defences – Redox Status, Immune-Inflammation Status, Detoxification Capacity and Cellular Energy Synthesis. Finally, Methylation capacity (in blue) sits above the other processes because it is associated with both biochemical pathways and epigenetic effects.
In summary, the logo represents the integration of intricate upstream cellular processes, the platform from which we formulate our nutrigenomically-active products and develop the foundation principles for our educational programmes.

Developing Cell-Logic’s unique technology
After realising the extraordinary clinical potential of Nutrigenomics, Christine’s husband, John Hando, a Civil and Environmental Engineer, joined Cell-Logic as its Technical Director, thereby contributing his technical know-how and vast experience in the design of controlled-environment processing systems.
John’s interest and experience in both Environmental Engineering and commercialisation provided the perfect skillset for the development of Cell-Logic’s proprietary systems required to produce our nutraceutical-grade broccoli sprout ingredient. Those principles remain at the core of our unique production system. By 2009, the first jars of EnduraCell® powder were rolling off the production line.
Unlike EnduraCell® as a whole sprout ingredient, most other products are ‘extracts’, made from unsprouted broccoli seeds, where the seeds are milled, the myrosinase enzyme deactivated and the precursor molecule (glucoraphanin) extracted and retained. Without the presence of the myrosinase enzyme, no sulforaphane can be produced by these seed extracts. Such products are often described as containing ‘sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS)’, purely a marketing term – not a scientific term.
Are these ‘extracts’ entirely useless? No, not entirely – because a healthy population of gut bacteria has limited ability to convert the glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. However, the gut bacteria typically convert no more than 8-10% to sulforaphane – not enough to provide a significant clinical response. In fact, there are no clinical trials with successful outcomes where an ‘extract’ has been used alone as the intervention.
By comparison, there are many clinical trials using enzyme-active broccoli sprouts, powders or capsules. Practical doses of EnduraCell® can readily match the doses used in the peer-reviewed clinical trials. That’s one of the reasons that Cell-Logic broccoli sprout products are superior.
The Science of
For decades, the superior benefits of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have been acknowledged for their ability to prevent chronic disease – but until the early 1990s, no-one really knew why.
The story began to unfold when researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered that broccoli sprouts were a highly-concentrated source of sulforaphane, the molecule that potently activates the enzymes found to be integral to cancer prevention. In particular, they found that the cancer-preventive effects were due to the increase in Phase 2 detoxification enzymes in liver cells.
Whole Broccoli Sprout Products vs 'Extracts'
Cell-Logic’s EnduraCell® is a 100% whole broccoli sprout ingredient with nothing added – and nothing but water removed. Our technology relies on a detailed understanding of the plant’s physiology in order to maximise the sulforaphane yield. Without careful processing, the sulforaphane yield is low, illustrative of the many food-grade broccoli sprout supplements available in today’s market.

The broccoli seed naturally contains a concentrated amount of glucoraphanin which is then ‘diluted’ as the plant matures to become the vegetable. For this reason, broccoli sprouts yield 20-100 times more sulforaphane than the vegetable. Only an ingredient made from a high sulforaphane-yielding broccoli sprout can mimic the published clinical trial data.
Unlike EnduraCell® as a whole sprout ingredient, most other products are ‘extracts’, made from unsprouted broccoli seeds, where the seeds are milled, the myrosinase enzyme deactivated and the precursor molecule (glucoraphanin) extracted and retained. Without the presence of the myrosinase enzyme, no sulforaphane can be produced by these seed extracts. Such products are often described as containing ‘sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS)’, purely a marketing term – not a scientific term.
Are these ‘extracts’ entirely useless? No, not entirely – because a healthy population of gut bacteria has limited ability to convert the glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. However, the gut bacteria typically convert no more than 8-10% to sulforaphane – not enough to provide a significant clinical response. In fact, there are no clinical trials with successful outcomes where an ‘extract’ has been used alone as the intervention.
By comparison, there are many clinical trials using enzyme-active broccoli sprouts, powders or capsules. Practical doses of EnduraCell® can readily match the doses used in the peer-reviewed clinical trials. That’s one of the reasons that Cell-Logic broccoli sprout products are superior.
A Company underpinned by a broad skill set
The success of any organisation is largely the result of the quality of people working away ‘behind the scenes’.
Dr Houghton is the first to acknowledge the dedication and broad skillset of her wonderful Cell-Logic team. Her own diverse experience encompasses clinical practice, nutritional biochemistry, research methodology, nutrigenomics, education, a biochemist’s rigour in product formulation and an insider’s understanding of the industry.
Christine’s forté lies in taking complex biochemical concepts and translating their essence into concepts relevant to the needs of practising clinicians.

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