Robert Thomas

Cell-Logic, Robert Thomas, Senior Clinician Educator

N.D., Clinician Educator / Naturopath and Nutrigenomics Clinician

As a dedicated and accomplished Naturopath with extensive experience in radio broadcasting, clinician training and consumer education, Robert Thomas is Cell-Logic’s highly-valued Clinician Educator. In this capacity, he liaises closely with practising clinicians, guiding them in the understanding of the more complex nutrigenomic and biochemical principles that underpin the Cell-Logic product concepts and formulations.

Robert has been a naturopathic practitioner for over three decades, with 14 of these years in his Far North Queensland clinic, where, among other things, he designed a very successful lifestyle management program to help individuals to conquer addictions. As a further extension to his clinical practice, he was intimately involved in the development and implementation of the ‘7 Natural Physicians’, a holistic health programme for children that was introduced into primary schools throughout Australia.

One of Robert’s fortés lies in translating complex biochemical concepts into clinically-relevant ‘snapshots’ that capture the science – filled with down-to-earth analogies without the ‘cringe-factor’ typically attributed to discussions on biochemistry. A good deal of Robert’s skill in providing upskill sessions for clinicians of various disciplines is the result of his strong engagement in nutrigenomics through his studies in Advanced Translational Nutrigenomics.

Robert’s regular Cell-Logic presentations to clinicians are both informative and inspirational, focusing on new developments in the field, with a special emphasis on nutrigenomics. His relaxed and engaging style is undoubtedly a product of his years of experience in hosting a regular talk-back segment on a local ABC radio.

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