Cell-Logic International Symposium 2023
Recorded version of the 2-day event
Purchase the Symposium Recordings
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The Secret Language of Food
Complete Programme as professionally-recorded at the 2023 Live Event – 13 CPE hours
The Secret Language of Food: Decoding Nature’s Healing Signals was held at the State Library of Queensland 04-05 November 2023.
16 speaker presentations were recorded live at the event and an additional complimentary module, courtesy of our Platinum Partner, the Institute of Nutrigenomic Medicine has been added to this online course.
Learn more about what our delegates experienced at the live event by visiting these links:

About the Symposium
Learn from these high-quality recordings and the accompanying detailed speaker slides as you explore two full days of practice-transforming content. Here, you will discover the secret language of food and how to decode its healing signals into your clinical practice.
The science of nutrition is evolving rapidly, revealing complex networks of intersecting biochemical pathways, wherein food-derived bioactive molecules are integral to the expression of the genes governing cellular function. When these principles are implemented, your patients will be the winners!
Master of Ceremonies Mr Andrew Whitfield-Cook, and our 16 speakers from around the globe will guide you in unveiling the Secret Language of Food, a programme which is superbly complemented by a gastronomic journey that includes a ‘Taste the Science’ educational event.

Symposium Content
Day One
Module 1 | Dr Christine Houghton
Opening Address: Revelations of 21st Century Nutrition Science
Module 2 | Ms Amanda Archibald
The Mediterranean and Its Diet Through the Lens of Nutrigenomics
Module 3 | Dr David Montgomery & Ms Anne Biklé
What Your Food Ate: Restoring Health to the Land and People
Module 4 | Dr Brad Leech
Functional Dysbiosis: The Food as Medicine Approach
Module 5 | Dr Yael Joffe
The Chicken and the Egg: Bringing Together the Worlds of Genetics and Epigenetics
Module 6 | Dr Leland Stillman
Ironic Realities of Iron and Iron-Overload
Module 7 | Dr Natessa Henville
When the Plumbing’s the Problem: Manual Therapy Approaches to Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Module 8 | Panel Discussion: All Speakers
Day Two
Module 1 | Dr Christine Houghton
Modulating the Biochemical ‘Orchestra’ We Call Inflammation
Module 2 | Dr Joanna McMillan
The Science and Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Module 3 | Taste the Science Educational Event
Mr Robert Thomas (Facilitator)
Mr Matthew Lim – Green Sauces of the World
Ms Margeaux Kruger – Dr Soup®: Vegetables for All Seasons and Age Groups
Mr Roberto Giammellucca – Busting Myths with Sourdough Science
Module 4 | Dr Tim Ewer
An Integrative Approach to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders
Module 5 | Dr J. Helen Fitton
Seaweed Science, Dietary Studies and Clinical Potential
Module 6 | Dr Yael Joffe
‘Genes First’: Genetics as a Screening Tool
Module 7 | Ms Jenny Blondel
How to Build a Successful Practice with a Food-First Approach
Module 8 | Ms Amanda Archibald
Culinary Genomics: Translating Nutrigenomic “Therapy” to the Plate
Bonus Module | Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine
Series 2 Byte 3: The Clinical Nuts & Bolts of Glutathione
Enrol for the complete Series 1 & 2 at: www.nutrigenomicmedicine.com
Symposium Learning Materials
After purchase of the Symposium recordings, a printed copy of the Symposium Handbook & Speaker Presentation Slides will be posted to you, allowing you to work through each speaker session.
A digital copy of the Handbook will be available within the course. Please note we cannot provide digital copies of speaker slides due to copyright provisions.
*Replacement Learning Materials provided at cost. Scroll down for more information.

Purchase the Symposium Recordings
This is a self-paced course that does not expire, allowing you to refer back to the video presentations for as long as you wish. The speaker presentations have been broken up into Day One (8 modules) and Day Two (8 modules) content. A total of 13 hours CPE will be awarded upon completion of all modules. There is no assessment required.
*Please contact Head Office if you attended the live Symposium for a discounted coupon code to the course, and/or for replacement learning materials:
Replacement Learning Materials can be provided at cost:
$15 ex GST | Day One Speaker Presentation Slides
$15 ex GST | Day Two Speaker Presentation Slides
$20 ex GST | Symposium Handbook (a digital copy is provided in the course)
Please contact admin@cell-logic.com.au | (07) 3488 0385
Postage rates will be calculated at time of ordering.